Coming Events

Annual Red Tent
~ Sat, March 24, 2018

Our Community

The Sisterhood hosts and participates in many gatherings, from our monthly study group - The Full Moons - to our Annual Artemis & Samhain Rites, and much more, we honor the Goddess, teach, socialize, and offer rites of passage from 'womb to tomb' to the Temple's Sisters and their loved ones.

The Full Moon Study Group

Once a month, the Sisterhood meets on or near the Full Moon to study the Goddess, Women's Mysteries, Earth-Centered spiritual practices and many other related topics. Our group is facilitated by our Sisters who draw a topic out of our 'Alabaster Jar' of ideas.

Annual Temple Rites & Celebrating the Wheel of the Year

The Sisterhood also recognizes a number of days every year that are special to the history of the Temple, and which honor certain times during the Wheel of the Year: The Founder's Day Red Tent in March, and, The Annual Artemis Rite in August. In October, the Sisterhood and their closest family and friends, come together to honor their beloved dead and ancestors, and in December, we celebrate Yule with our Annual Winter Solstice Party & Nut Torqer.

Rites of Passage from Womb to Tomb

The Sisterhood provides rites of passage ceremonies for all our important life events from 'womb to tomb' including Mother Blessings, Baby Blessings, Menarche Rites, Handfastings & Weddings, Cronings, Memorials, and others as necessary, as well as House Blessings and Cleansings for our Sister Members.

Other Community Services and Events

The Sisterhood's Priestesses and Sisters also work in the local community and are involved in a number of projects including: Our Annual Earth Day Work Day & Pot Luck Picnic in April, International Pagan Pride Day & CUUPS Mabon Celebration in September, as well as Pee Wee Pagans and Moonpath Circle, Inc. at various times throughout the year. There are always opportunities to do community service with the Temple.